
Ice skating v.s. Ice Climbing

This is it !! The weather gods have made this a memorable winter for the Dutch Ice skating fanatics. The pic above wat taken during my first tour at the Naarder Meer (the Netherlands). Four days of ice skating on other lakes (Oostvaardersplassen, Nieuwkoopse plassen, Ankeveen)
have made me a very, VERY happy man.

BUT !! the winter ain't over yet. Another adventure awaits us in Norway. In the Rjukon area many ice waterfalls long to be climbed by us. A convenient flight from Düsseldorf to Oslo replaces the 16 hour drive that we normaly would have to endure (Thnx Timmie !!).
And, considering the very good performance from the video camera in de Dutch freezing conditions, this time I am going to make some footage from the action. Tim "figuring-of-fouring", Hans "heelspurring" and me: dangling on some Blackie's to make the most memorable shot and get to the core of the action.

Anyway, let's first get our gear and buts to Europe's mecca for ice climbers.
(R)jukon Ho ! here we come !!

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