
Chris Sharma Climbing with Jibé Tribout

This footags has been shot a while ago, but since Chris Sharma is giving a lecture coming saturday at our famous dutch boulder institute MONK (Netherlands) it's a warming up for the spectacular pics and stories held in store for us.

Chris Sharma and Jibé Tribout climb some crazy sport routes. JB is 45 something years old and still rollin'. Chris says that he was inspired by JB in his early climbing days and hopes he will be climbing as hard (or much harder?!) as him when he reaches that age.
Click the picture for a short movie about Chris trying and JB climbing Draconian Devil (8B+) on the Greek island Kalymnos.


90 Grad - A movie about Urban Climbing

A poetic climbing movie made by Ties Linders during his stay in Zürich, Switserland. An unorthodox view of urban climbing. Quite refreshing if you want something different from the all omnipresent and often overwhelming rock climbing- or bouldering movies.

As the title says, '90 grad' changes your view about the city and tilts your point of view as well.
Check this link to view the movie.
(source: monkbouldergym.nl)

Boulderblok Rotterdam - Topo met Pocketroutes

Yep, Bart van Raaij zit niet stil. Als 't ie niet met Arnold Pipel bezig is om het blad BLOK vorm te geven, dan is het wel om nieuwe routes te bedenken en openen op het fraaie boulderblok in het Zuiderpark, Rotterdam. In dit geval allemaal routes op pockets. Check deze link voor een geupdate topo.

(bron: www.bladoverklimmen.nl)


Lounge with Ondra

As if it's nothing, Adam Ondra lounges through Aloha (9A) after his siege at the World Cup in Puurs, Belgium. The route was done first by Julius Westphal, of which FA is this video.

'Amai', as the Belgian tend to say, or: 'Een fraai stukske klauteren' (translation: a wicked piece of scrambling, it is, isn't it?) :P

(source: kairn.com)