
NEW - Photo Gallery of Jorg Verhoeven

As a regular visitor of the website of Jorg Verhoeven (one of the top competition lead climbers of the world) the opening of his Photo Gallery is a good insight in his world of climbing/bouldering. 'N-joy the pics and let it be inspiring !!
(source: www.jorgverhoeven.nl)


Tape and other Catastrophes

Not that I have finger injuries myself right now but the information seems important enough to share with other climbers. Besides that the story also tells about the misunderstandings of the use of tape and, like Wolfgang Güllich used to say: the most important muscle of a climber is the brain. Use it wisely to avoid or otherwise overcome a injury. (this link to the full story).

source: chockstone.org and athlon sports medicine


Update on Sharma and Clarke Mountain

Woah! Incredible as it is in sports, also climbinggrades are still going upward. Some afterthought and reflection on the ... of Clarke Mountainroute made Chris Sharma decide it was worth a big name and a big grade: Jumbo Love - 15.5b (9b), the first of it's kind in de USA.
As the discussion goes, there are two other climbs in the world with a proposed 9B, Akira by Fred Roughling and Ali Hulk sit start extension from Daniel Andrada. Both seemingly different routes from Jumbo Love it is impossible to compare them. Check the blog at BigUpProduction for a more elaborate discussion about the grading. I can't wait to see the footage of this all !!
(source: bigupproductions and climbing.com)

And now for something completely different ...

... and different it is ! One day it came to me to start a blog. And now, 10 months and nearly 10.000 hits later, it still is fun to do. The world is full of strange, funny, awkward and challeging news. To keep track of what's happening and to share it with others is rewarding still. Not everyone is capable of roaming through the "wide-wide-digital-universe-of-everything". So I keep on going and the search for things to share goes on.

And a defenition of different? judge for yourself:


Sharma Redpoints Clark Mountain

255 feet of relentless climbing in one single pitch, that's what Sharma took as his goal. Randy Leavitt, who discovered Clark Mountain limestone and developed many of the routes, meant it to be a 3 pitch route, but Sharma decided otherwise.
As he regarded Es Pontas in Mallorca as the hardest he had ever done so far, now the Clark Mountain route with not so much as a single hand-shake-rest is his newest and hardest feat he says. This mega long single pitch routes are going to be the next level of hard lines, Sharma thinks.

Noteworthy, the attempt(s) were filmed by the BigUpProdutions team and are probably part of the Real Rock Filmtour, which is also coming to the Netherlands !! (see previous post). While typing this post I get sweaty hands of the upcoming footage alone... harw !